Best Answer: like everybody else said, try shaving in the direction of the hair. also, you might try using conditioner to shave with, as long as it is. Recently, I have noticed some bumpy pimples in my pubic area. I was very scared.. the pubis hair grows just above the penis and below the pelvis. He never shaved this area.
Pimples In Pubic Area · Acne discussions | Body & Health.
Pimple between thigh and pelvis . i want to know what these bumps are, i had a really big pimple on the cut between my thigh and pelvic area a little smaller than an. I am 16 years and a virgin.I have pimples just like the ones that appear on my face around my pelvis area.Is this normal? Hey whats up im 18 and im bisexual. i've had intercourse with both guys and girls. and i saw some pimples on my pelvic area the other day.. i didnt worry because i. large infected pimple in pelvic area - Acne - MedHelp
Pimples aroud the pelvic area (girls)? - Yahoo! Answers
I have one of those pimples that are deep under the skin. I'm not sure what the correct term is. I'm certain that its infected and it is dark red in color, about the.
Pimples On my Pelvic Area · Testicular Disorders & Male Fertility.
Is it normal to have pimples around pelvis? - Yahoo! Answers
Hi my name is Jill, I have so many female issue going on right now with my period. When I was taking a bath I felt something hurting me It kind of look like a pimple. white bump look like a pimple down in my pelvic area it really hurts Skin Forum - Pimple between thigh and pelvis